Books by Dr. Virginia Ramey Mollenkott
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Is the Homosexual My Neighbor: A Positive Christian Response (with Letha Dawson Scanzoni, 1994) Revised and Updated - available from bookstores or from Harper San Francisco. 242 pages A classic work of gay spirituality--newly revised to reflect today's issues, including gays in the military, the AIDS crisis, and genetic research on homosexuality. Purchase this book from the publisher. Read excerpts from this book on Is the Homosexual My Neighbor review from the Harvard Educational Review |

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Omnigender: A Trans-Religious Approach (2001) is available from bookstores but is "sold out" from the publisher. This book bridges traditional religious doctrine and secular postmodern theory regarding gender. Through an examination of the Hebrew and Christian scriptures and church history as well as the exploration of other religious traditions and cultures, Mollenkott honors the experience of people who do not fit within the traditional binary concept of gender: intersexual, trans-sexual, or otherwise-gendered individuals. |
Purchase this book from Amazon.
Purchase the first edition of "Omnigender" at a discount directly from us using PayPal. Please contact us for price and details.
Omnigender review from EEWC - Christian Feminism Today
Omnigender reviews on Amazon
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The Divine Feminine is available from Amazon. "A calm, well-balanced, carefully prepared book. . . . Excellent for adult Bible discussion groups, for occasional sermons, for suggesting ways of inclusive language. This book teaches and directs without antagonizing." "A persuasive book, useful for personal reflection and group discussion, and ideal for gift-giving." |
"This is no dry erudite volume. It rubs salve in personal wounds inflicted by centuries of biblical misreading."
"Mollenkott was also ahead of her time in writing about environmental concerns and encouraging use of biblical images from the natural world to support caring for creation. She shows the intersection of social justice issues and the importance of gender inclusive language as a foundation to social justice and peace."
—Rev. Dr. Jann Aldredge-Clanton
"The book reflects careful research; it is written in a style that will appeal to those interested in the implications of biblical research but without the time or inclination to follow the involved discussions of biblical scholarship."
—National Catholic Reporter
We have a limited number of the out of print version of this book (cover is different, text is the same) available for purchase (at a discount) directly from Dr. Mollenkott. You can pay using PayPal. Please contact us for details.
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Transgender Journeys (with Vanessa Sheridan, a male cross-dresser, 2003) is available used from select bookstores and on Amazon. Transgender Journeys addresses personal and practical experience of the authors in their journey as Christians and gender variant people. It presents some good theological perspectives and arguments in favor and in support of TG people as Christian. It can inspire a struggling TG Christian and is a good tool to build bridges to reach Christians that do not understand how TG’s can fit into the realm of Christianity. taken from a review on First Unitarian Universalist Church of Berks County website. |

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Sensuous Spirituality: Out from Fundamentalism - revised and expanded edition (2008)is available from bookstores or from The Pilgrim Press (Cleveland). Originally published in 1992, Sensuous Spirituality is about integration of sexuality and spirituality, social activism and personal peace, males and their "feminine" component, females and their "masculine" component, transgender people and full social appreciation. It discusses the Bible, the erotic, the gender continuum, the human imaging of God, procreative self-direction, interpretive communities, family-church parallels, and much more -- all in an autobiographical context and "generic feminine" language. |
Purchase this book from the publisher.
Sensuous Spirituality review on Amazon by Stephen H. Propp
There are a few copies of the first edition of Sensuous Spirituality available for purchase directly from us. Please contact us to order.

Out of Print Books

A limited number of these books are available for purchase directly from us.
Please contact us for information regarding prices and other details.
Adamant and Stone Chips (1967) makes the case for liberal arts education for Christians. 113 pages
In Search of Balance (1969) Out of stock - we have no copies available. You may be able to find this book on eBay or
Adam Among the Television Trees (1971) an anthology of poetry written by contemporary poets of faith.
Women, Men, and the Bible 1st Edition (1977) shows that the Bible supports male-female equal partnerships, especially for Christians. We also have a limited number of ORIGINAL Women, Men, and the Bible Study Guides available. This is a box containing the book, a Leader's Guide, and 3 sixty minute cassette tapes of the six parts of the course. Definately a collector's item.
Women, Men, and the Bible 2nd Edition (1988) same perspective as 1977 edition, but with more inclusive language and a study guide.
Speech, Silence, Action: The Cycle of Faith (1980) a spiritual autobiography up to age 48.
The Divine Feminine: Biblical Imagery of God as Female (1983) a Bible study of the surprising number of female and nature imagery depicting the Holy One. We do have some in stock but this book is also available online with a Questia subscription (click here).
Views from the Intersection (1984) a selection of mystical poems by Catherine Barry, Meditations by Mollenkott.
Godding: Human Responsibility and the Bible (1987) studies the implications of being "a partaker of the divine nature" (II Peter 1:4) 163 pages
Women of Faith in Dialogue (1987) an anthology of essays by Jewish, Christian, and Muslim women about their religious traditions. Only one left in stock.