Welcome to Virginia's Official Website
Virginia Ramey Mollenkott is the author or co-author of 13 books, including several on women and religion. She is a winner of the Lambda Literary Award and has published numerous essays on literary topics. On Virginia's official website you'll find information about her books, Virginia's writings on a variety of topics, book reviews, a short biography, and links to much more material available on the web. We hope you enjoy your visit and look forward to your comments and questions. Click here to contact us. |

Virginia Ramey Mollenkott (1932-2020)

To encourage and support original research and study of LGBTQ religious history, LGBTQ-RAN offers an annual award for papers, the Virginia Ramey Mollenkott Award. Initiated in 2005, this award honors outstanding scholarship in LGBTQ religious history from among an array of academic papers submitted. The Virginia Ramey Mollenkott Award is the only award offered in this academic arena. This award was named for Virginia Ramey Mollenkott in 2022 in collaboration with Virginia’s friends and colleagues who generously established a memorial fund to underwrite this award.
Click here for a printable flyer. Click here to learn more about the award. Click here to donate to the memorial fund.

About Dr. Mollenkott:
In 1978, Virginia co-authored Is The Homosexual My Neighbor? A Positive Christian View with Letha Dawson Scanzoni. After being expanded and updated in 1994, this ground-breaking work still stands as one of the most informative and thorough explorations of the topic. Sensuous Spirituality, Dr. Mollenkott's 1992 book (revised and updated in 2008), examines the integration of sexuality and spirituality, social activism and personal peace. Dr. Virginia Ramey Mollenkott has lectured widely on lesbian, gay, and bisexual rights and has also been active in the transgender cause, authoring Omnigender (revised and updated version published in 2007), and serving as co-author of Transgender Journeys (2003). |
"All of her writings may be subsumed under the theme of oneness,
which Mollenkott variously describes as an 'organic wholeness' and a
'transcendental integrative vision.' The emphasis is on seeing God in
all things and serving God in all activities, integration of the human
personality around a unifying center, and awareness of humanity's
from Letha Dawson Scanzoni, "Virginia Ramey Mollenkott," in American Women Writers from Colonial Times to the Present: A Critical Reference Guide., ed. Lina Mainiero (New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1981), Vol 3, pp. 203-205.

Tree Planted at Kirkridge Retreat Center in Honor of Virginia Ramey Mollenkott

A tree planted in Virginia's honor at Kirkridge in 2013.
Some of the participants in Sisterly Conversations 2013 gathered outside Kirkridge's Nelson Lodge to honor Virginia by planting a purple beech tree. The plaque reads: "In honor of Virginia Ramey Mollenkott, pioneer feminist, LGBT activist, lover of Scripture, and founder of the Kirkridge Sisterly Community."